How Taxes are Calculated

Individual property taxes are determined by voter approved mill levies set after annual public hearings held by the school board, police jury, city and town councils, and special districts, such as fire and industrial district commissions. These taxing authorities determine what their budget needs are and then divide by the total assessed value of the district to arrive at a mill levy.

For example, if the new budget is $30,000 and the total assessed value is $3,000,000, the mill levy would be 10 mills. A mill is one tenth of a cent, so each mill represents one dollar of taxes for each thousand dollars of assessed value. Individual property taxes are calculated by multiplying the assessed value by the total mill levy for that tax area.

For example, if your home is valued at $100,000 and you claim homestead exemption, and the millage rate for your taxing district is 60 mills, your parish tax is calculated as follows:

(Fair Market Value)
(Level of Assessment)
(Assessed Value)
(Maximum Homestead Exemption Allowed)
(Taxable Value)
(Millage Rate)
(Total Parish Tax)